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Notice to Quit

£10.00 ex. VAT (£12.00 inc. VAT)

This notice is for a landlord to terminate a periodic tenancy which falls outside the Housing Act 1988 or any form of licence.


This notice should only be used to end a tenancy which falls outside the Housing Act 1988 and which has become periodic by agreement. The tenant must be given not less than 4 weeks notice or one period of the tenancy if longer so most tenants will need at least one calendar month’s notice. The notice must also be given to end at the end of a period of the tenancy which is usually the day before the rent is due.

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PainSmith Solicitors,
1 Mansfield Business Park,
Station Approach,
Lymington Bottom Road,
Medstead, Hampshire
GU34 5PZ

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Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 562686)

Painsmith Solicitors Limited trading as Painsmith Solicitors, Director: Marveen Smith. Registered No. 07617210.

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