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Letter to Delay Enforcement of Notice

£50.00 ex. VAT (£60.00 inc. VAT)


Letter to be sent to the tenant when notice has been served on the tenant (typically section 21 notice) but the tenant requests longer at the property. The letter confirms to the tenant that the landlord will not enforce said notice for the period agreed, in doing so the landlord protects their rights to rely on the notice served without needing to serve a new notice for fear they have entered into an agreement to enable the tenant to stay (extension) which would effect the validity of the notice.. Caution shelf-life of notice will still apply. Updated May 2023.

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1 Mansfield Business Park,
Station Approach,
Lymington Bottom Road,
Medstead, Hampshire
GU34 5PZ

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Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 562686)

Painsmith Solicitors Limited trading as Painsmith Solicitors, Director: Marveen Smith. Registered No. 07617210.

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