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PainSmith Solicitors Legal Update Seminars




Please request a booking form from Emma Butcher at emmab@painsmith.co.uk to save yourself disappointment!

Our Brentwood Seminar will take place on Thursday 12th September 2019 at The Holiday Inn, Brentwood M25, Jct 28, Brook Street, Essex CM14 5NF. The event will start with registration and lunch at 1:00pm to 1:30pm. The Seminar will start at 2:00pm and the event will finish at 5pm. We have very few spaces remaining for this Seminar, so act fast if you wish to make the most of this great opportunity to update yourself on the recent changes in Landlord and Tenant law.


Our Cobham Seminar is on Wednesday 25th September 2019 at The Hilton, Seven Hills Road South, Cobham, KT11 1EW. The event will start with registration and lunch at 1:00pm to 1:30pm, the Seminar will start at 2:00pm and the event will finish at 5pm. We only have TWO places remaining for this Seminar!

Topics to be covered include the following:

  • Tenant fees ban
  • Special clauses and enforceability
  • Referencing and issues to be addressed
  • Charges to be paid for a Tenancy
  • Deeds of assignment and surrender: effects of the Fee Ban
  • Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018
  • Legal update


PainSmith Helpline subscribers will be able to attend the Seminar at a cost of £50 plus VAT (£60 including VAT) per person. Non-helpline subscribers will be able to attend the Seminar at a cost of £75 plus VAT (£90 including VAT) per person. Places are limited to sixty delegates so book your place today in order to avoid disappointment.

Published 4 September 2019

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Registered address

PainSmith Solicitors,
1 Mansfield Business Park,
Station Approach,
Lymington Bottom Road,
Medstead, Hampshire
GU34 5PZ

Nice to know

Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 562686)

Painsmith Solicitors Limited trading as Painsmith Solicitors, Director: Marveen Smith. Registered No. 07617210.

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