On 13th August HM Courts and Tribunals Services updated the N5B England and N5B Wales forms. Having examined both the new versions and old the only amendment to note is that on Page 7.
On 25th May the General Data Protection Regulations came into force. It is due to the implementation of the Regulations that the form has been amended. On page 7 it now reads:
Find out how HM Courts and Tribunals Service uses personal information you give them when you fill in a form: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-courts-and-tribunals-service/about/personal- information-charter
This paragraph is necessary to ensure that HM Courts and Tribunals Service is complying with the GDPR by informing court users how their personal data will be used and how long the data will be kept.
However slight the change it is important that users now use the updated version of the form. While it is unlikely that courts will dismiss a case because the outdated form has been used they may request that the correct version is completed and resubmitted which could lead to unnecessary delays.