The new How to Rent: Checklist for Renting in England guide was published 24 March 2023, replacing the December 2020 version.
Some confusion has arisen as to whether this must be served on tenants in existing tenancies (tenancies entered into before 24 March 2023). It is only new tenancy agreements OR renewals, entered after 24 March 2023, that require the March 2023 edition to be served on the Tenant.
Regulation 3 of The Assured Shorthold Tenancy Notices and Prescribed Requirements (England) Regulations 2015 states in Section 4 that the Landlord, or person acting on behalf of the Landlord, who has provided the Tenant with the correct How to Rent Guide at the time the Tenancy Agreement was entered into, does not have to supply a further copy of the document each time a different version of that document is published during the Tenancy.
The March 2023 version of the How to Rent: Checklist for Renting in England only needs to be provided to the tenant if the agreement has been entered into OR renewed after 24 March 2023. Existing tenancies require the most up to date version of the Guide that was available at the time the Agreement was completed.
Published 26 April 2023